Business Partnerships

Common Seas partners with businesses to help them reduce plastic.

Using our online reporting tool, PlasTICK, businesses can easily measure, analyse and reduce how much plastic they use and waste. 

PlasTICK also makes it easy to communicate progress with employees, investors and customers.  

If you represent a hospitality or service provider business, sign up or book a demo today.

The UN is developing a Global Plastics Treaty that aims to cap plastic production and will likely mandate transparent reporting against targets. 

Many governments already require businesses to set plastic targets. Citizens are also asking for it: sustainable tourism is driving sector growth. 

Businesses know they must act on plastic, but many just don’t know where to start.

Want your business to stay ahead? Sign up today or book a demo.

PlasTICK is easy and intuitive to use.

Step by step, it supports businesses to:


  • Measure plastic emissions, including from historic data
  • Set an independently verified baseline


  • Identify plastic hotspots in their supply chain
  • Model the impact of actions to create a reduction strategy 


  • Engage the support needed to take action 
  • Share progress with customers and industry 

If you would like to know more, sign up and get started, or book a demo today.

How it works

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